The Science

Nature’s SAFE is committed to Saving Animals From Extinction using innovative science.

Our Work

Preserving biological samples for future regeneration.

As EAZA Biobank’s UK-based cryopreservation partner, we work with zoos, wildlife parks and wildlife rescues centres to preserve reproductive cells and tissues from animals threatened with extinction.

Conservation Network

restoration methods

Restoration of genetically healthy animal populations (genetic rescue) can be achieved through the preservation and future regeneration of sperm cells, reproductive tissues, or even skin cells.


peer-reviewed scientific literature


Mooney A, Ryder OA, Houck ML, Staerk J, Conde DA, Buckley YM (2023) Maximizing the potential for living cell banks to contribute to global conservation priorities. Zoo Biology 42(6) 697-708. (


Bolton RL, Mooney A, Pettit MT, Bolton AE, Morgan L, Drake GJ, Appeltant R, Walker SL, Gillis JD, & Hvilsom C. (2022). Resurrecting biodiversity: advanced assisted reproductive technologies and biobanking. Reproduction and Fertility 3(3) R121-R146. (


Watt AM, Marcec-Greaves R, Hinkson KM, Poo S, Roberts B & Pitcher TE (2021) Effects of age on sperm quality metrics in endangered Mississippi gopher frogs (Lithobates sevosus) from captive populations used for controlled propagation and reintroduction efforts. Zoo Biology 40 218–226. (


Comizzoli P & Holt WV (2019) Breakthroughs and new horizons in reproductive biology of rare and endangered animal species. Biology of Reproduction 101 514–525. (

Gosden RG (2019) Time for fertility preservation. Reproduction 158(5) E1-E4. (


Whiteley AR, Fitzpatrick SW, Funk WC, Tallmon DA (2014) Genetic rescue to the rescue. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30(1) 42-49. (


Wildt DE & Roth TL (1997) Assisted reproduction for managing and conserving threatened felids. International Zoo Yearbook 35 164–172. (

We need your help

Here’s how you can take action.

Every penny counts

Together, we can turn the tide on extinction

At least 50 different genetic lines are needed to save one species.

As a charity, we provide processing and storage services to our conservation partners free of charge. On average, it takes £100 of resources to process each sample.

Make a monthly donation to safeguard nature’s future.

Donate Now
Macaroni penguin

Preserved April 2023

Common hippo

Preserved August 2023

Common eland

Preserved January 2024

Collared peccary

Preserved March 2022

Alaotran gentle lemur

Preserved July 2022

Black tree monitor

Preserved April 2022

Black-and-white ruffed lemur

Preserved June 2023

Polynesian tree snail

Preserved August 2023

Unga cichlid

Preserved March 2023


Preserved August 2022

Bush dog

Preserved March 2023

Azaras agouti

Preserved July 2022


Preserved June 2023